The United States and Russia want to restore stable relations. This is the objective of the meeting which will take place on Wednesday June 16, in the afternoon, between Joe Biden and Vladimir Poutine, in Geneva (Switzerland). The subjects of contention are however numerous between the two leaders.
The situation in Ukraine, the computer attacks or the fate of the Russian opponent, Alexeï Navalny… There are many disagreements between Russia and the United States. On Wednesday June 16, in Geneva (Switzerland), the American President, Joe Biden, and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Poutine, will however try to find a stability in their relations, particularly degraded in recent months. “Vladimir Poutine warned that one should not expect crucial advances, it is above all a question of reestablishing contact. In the Kremlin, we recognize that relations have never been so bad, an observation shared by Washington “, underlines correspondent Luc Lacroix, live from Moscow (Russia).
No joint press conference
Joe Biden and Vladimir Poutine will meet at the beginning of the afternoon, Wednesday, for four or five hours of maintenance. On the table, there will also be global security issues, such as arms limitation and control issues. “At the end of the meeting, no joint press conference is planned, it will each be his own. Sometimes, the heads of state keep trumps up their sleeve in this kind of summit. Vladimir Poutine has already obtained some This is crucial, since the holding of this summit at the invitation of Joe Biden sounds like recognition of the importance of Russia on the international scene , ” concludes Luc Lacroix.