The United States authorizes, Sunday, February 28, a new vaccine against Covid-19. This is the one from Johnson & Johnson, which could arrive in the European Union in April.
After Pfizer and Moderna, Johnson & Johnson becomes, Sunday February 28, the third vaccine against the coronavirus validated in the United States . The American drug agency has just granted it an emergency authorization. The vaccine is not messenger RNA and uses the same technique as AstraZeneca. By the first week of March, at least three million doses are expected to be distributed across the country.
One injection
The vaccine has different advantages: a single injection, can be stored in the refrigerator and an overall efficacy rate of 66.1%. “When we give the figure of 66%, it is on the whole of the study (…) then, when we look at the severe forms, it is 85% from the 28th day and after the 49th day, c ‘is 100% “, details Professor Philippe Amouyel, epidemiologist and professor of public health at the University Hospital of Lille (North). In Europe, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine has not yet been validated.