During his tour of Europe, Joe Biden will attend the G7 summit, organized from June 11 to 13 in the United Kingdom, which will focus on the global vaccination against Covid-19.
Vaccination against Covid-19 will be one of the major themes discussed at the G7 summit, which will be held from June 11 to 13 in the United Kingdom. ” For Europeans, the imperative G7 can be summarized as:. Must vaccinate the world and quickly ‘This is a question of solidarity and justice’ , . Says France Currently, 44% of doses are injected into the rich countries, against a little less than 1% in the poor countries. On the side of the European Union, 100 million doses will be given in the coming days, towards Africa or Latin America “, explains the correspondent from France Télévisions in Belgium, Pascal Verdeau, live in the 23h, Wednesday 9 June.
A “vaccine competition”
The United States should follow suit, in a form of ” vaccine competition ” where Europeans hope to regain a form of leadership battered during the pandemic. ” In Brussels, the European Commissioner, Thierry Breton, wants the EU to be the world’s leading vaccine producer at the end of the year, ahead of China, ” said Pascal Verdeau.